TOP-9 Writing Memes

writing memes

Meme acts as a unit of transmission of ideas, symbols or cultural practices that can be transferred from one mind to another through writing, language, gestures, rituals or other phenomena imitated by the imitated theme. Here is a list of TOP-9 writing memes that we have created for freelance writers. So take a break, sit down and enjoy.

The Brain is a Very Insidious Organ

  • Won’t let you write;
  • Won’t let you sleep until you’ve written.

Insidious organ brain writing memes

It’s Time to Learn Already

  • Still don’t know the difference between “AFFECT” and “EFFECT”.

Still don't know the difference between some words writing memes

True. True. Writing Memes

  • When you come back to finish your story after too long a break:
  • “I have no memory of this place…”

When you come back to finish your story after too long writing memes

Freelance or Paidlance? Writing Memes

  • If freelance writers get paid;
  • Shouldn’t they be called paidlance writers?

Freelance writing memes

What a Twist!

  • How I feel;
  • When I write a plot twist.

Plot twist writing memes

Yes, It Kind of Sounds More Fantastic

  • Renaming a character from “Emerald” to “Emera” to make it sound more fantasy.
  • Yeah, this is big brain time.

Big brain time writing memes

These Times 🤯

  • The past, the present and the future walked into a bar.
  • It was a tense situation.

English times walked into a bar writing memes

Offensive Situation 😔

  • Your face when the author kills off all your favorite characters

When the author kills off all your favorite characters writing memes

Yeaaaaaa, Writing in the Middle of the Night. Classic of Writing Memes

  • Writing at a reasonable time.
  • Writing in the middle of the night.