Keep our selection of TOP-9 College Stress Memes.
After Years of Stress, You are Already a Completely Different Person
- First year of college.
- Final year of college.
Junior Year vs Senior Year. Gollege Stresss Memes
- Freshman year.
- Senior year.
High School Students Will Soon Face the Same Fate
- High school students: “Wow it’s so cold. School better get cancelled.”
- College students: “Go through snow, cold and wind”.
My Preparation for the Final Exams College Stress Memes
- How’s studying for finals going?
- 60%: procrastinating.
- 39%: distracting others.
- 1%: preparation for the finals.
Familiar Feeling. Goosebumps
- When the teacher walks up to you during an exam…
- …and look at your paper then shouts…
- …”guys make sure you read the questions carefully”.
“Oh, My Eyes…” College Stress Memes
- My professor after reading my answers in the exam.
It’s Time to Get Started
- When the essay that you haven’t even started is due tomorrow.