Graduation is something that should make you feel really proud. It’s a huge accomplishment not everyone is able to achieve. It marks the completion of your studies and the beginning of your life’s more serious part.
If you are on the graduating list this year, here’s a witty TOP-7 Graduation Memes we’ve put together just for you.
I Think, it’s Very Scary
- When everyone is leaving the graduation…
- …and your name hasn’t been called yet.
Flying Diploma Graduation Memes
- “Who the hell threw their diploma”;
- He a little confused, but he got the spirit.
Resting State
- When you wake up and remember…
- …that you don’t have to go to school anymore.
Yea, Easiest Part of Life is Over
- Congratulations…
- …on getting through the easiest part of life.
Graduation Memes About Unused Diploma
- I’d like to return this it’s unused.
- This is your diploma.
- Cash is fine.
- Happy to be graduating.
- Sad to be unemployed.
Yes, Thanks for Everything Internet
- “I would like to thank…
- The Internet, Google, Wikipedia, Microsoft office and Copy Paste.